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Can you smoke noids in a vape pen?

2022-02-22T14:17:21+00:00Feb, 3, 2022|

The short answer to this question is yes, but at 20-30 watts of power or 200 degrees Celcius/390 Fahrenheit*[1]*[2], which is lower than many operate on their default setting. Vape pens are generally designed to vaporize nicotine or sometimes THC so it requires a bit of adjustment to work for other cannabinoids. Operating at this nice and low power setting is important because if you overheat noids they produce toxic byproducts from combustion like cyanide and other carcinogens.*[3] In general you want to use the lowest temperature and wattage that will still evaporate your product as this will produce the minimum amount of burnt product and therefore the minimum amount of carcinogens from combustion. A setting as low as 10-15 watts will work for many noids*[4] though the majority will vaporize efficiently at between 20-30 watts of power. Ok, so [...]

Which noid is best?

2022-01-07T12:10:44+00:00Jan, 7, 2022|

While the answer does somewhat depend on what you define as the best, in the noid class there are hundreds of options and each one comes with various positive and negative features. I’ve decided to discuss the safest, the most euphoric, the most sedating, longest lasting, best of the new noids and the most common to help give would-be psychonaut spice fiends a starting point for their research. Generally speaking the older the noid the more its pharmacological properties have been studied and are understood as well as the more anecdotal evidence there is available for its benefits, its safety or its unusual dangers. That said, the older ones tend to come with legal risk due to many governments having identified them as potential drugs of abuse and adding them to their anti-drug policies and laws. Almost all synthetic cannabinoids [...]

How do I avoid getting scammed when purchasing herbal incenses and C-Liquid online?

2021-11-10T17:24:08+00:00Nov, 10, 2021|

Before 2016 this was an easier question to answer, simply put you could search for a social media website like Reddit’s r/drugs or r/noids and the name of the company and product you were interested in and would be given a long list of posts about that company’s interactions with their user base. This allowed for a thorough evaluation of each research chemical website and for users to make informed purchases. However, in 2016 there was a sudden purge due to the belief that ‘fake news’ articles were having a significant impact on the election, with regulators generally believing that fake news assisted Donald Trump in winning the 2016 election.*[1] Social media giants such as Facebook and Google wanted to avoid regulation so decided to regulate themselves to prevent clumsy government interference on their platforms.*[2] A part of this change [...]

What’s going on with the Dutch Research Chemical ban?

2021-10-09T14:38:07+00:00Oct, 9, 2021|

Drug Mecca is under siege, but there’s still time to save her. The government of the Netherlands has decided to pursue a ban of novel psychoactive substances in response to pressure from the UN to crack down on this still legal market where users currently buy k2 spice online as well as other forms of synthetic cannabis often labelled as fake weed or herbal incense/herbal vape liquid, c-liquid or kronic vape juice.* When these chemicals are sold for research purposes rather than for use in humans they bypass laws geared at preventing the sale of psychoactive drugs and provide a safe source of pure product for savvy drug users. The geriatric drug-warrior politicians of the 80s and 90s find this unacceptable and wish to try to regulate a market they don’t remotely understand. Currently, lobby groups are mobilizing to attempt [...]

Where to get Noids?/Where to buy Noids?

2021-09-30T14:21:19+00:00Sep, 30, 2021|

The answer to this question used to be much simpler. In the past, synthetic cannabinoids, often sold as noids, spice, K2 and C-liquid were sold at gas stations, head shops, and online regularly in the USA, Canada, and the EU. Now with the recent Chinese cannabinoid ban and Western governments beginning to run a propaganda campaign and clamping down on synthetic cannabinoids, we see these products drying up. The COVID-19 pandemic induced a cannabis shortage, which has already driven a spike in synthetic cannabis use in Europe.* What will happen when the shortage caused by the Chinese ban on synthetic cannabinoids causes the supply of the safer, more well-known synthetic cannabinoids to run out? Cannabinoid shops’ supplies are already beginning to run low as the hunt for new suppliers continues. Many of them fear this shortage is going to push [...]

Synthetic Cannabinoid History

2021-09-02T15:38:30+00:00Sep, 1, 2021|

Introduction The war on drugs has been hard on cannabis and cannabis users, this was deliberate. One of the major harms, courtesy of the war on drugs, is best understood on behavioural economic terms. When there is a need to conceal goods to ship them safely, it becomes more lucrative to ship a more concentrated, but smaller amount of goods than to ship large quantities because more of your shipments will be more likely to make it past customs and law enforcement inspections. Think of trying to sneak a barrel of beer into a movie theatre as opposed to a bottle of vodka in your purse and you can begin to understand the problem facing drug smugglers. This was first noticed during prohibition when hard liquor began to replace beer and wine as a drink of choice in the USA.*[1] [...]

Do you give away free incense samples?

2021-07-23T06:45:25+00:00Jul, 20, 2021|

Absolutely! Free samples are often provided with orders to give customers a chance to try up-and coming products and to get feedback on which new products customers like. Free samples, which are usually included with orders, are important for research chemical and noid suppliers because samples allow an opportunity to get feedback on new and upcoming noids, research chemicals and other novel psychoactive substances. This is similar to how most retail stores will try a small display for a new product and see how it goes before committing to a larger purchase, or how a bakery will give out free samples of a new cookie they are trying out before making it a regular feature on their menu. In normal circumstances a supplier will often include a small bonus package, usually enough for a single-use, along with a regular customer’s [...]

Will I pass the drug test?

2021-07-01T11:27:08+00:00Jun, 30, 2021|

Whether or not you pass a drug test depends on what drugs you’ve been taking. If you’ve been using synthetic cannabinoids, which are slightly altered versions of the chemicals/drugs found in the cannabis plant, odds are that you will pass most drug tests just fine. This is not true if the tests are specifically designed to detect the synthetic cannabinoids you used, but this is uncommon unless they have a specific reason to use this test. However, if you’ve smoked or taken edibles of conventional cannabis, they can be detected on both the 5 panel and 10 panel drug tests. A 5 panel drug test is the simpler/cheaper of the two and often used. The most common version is a quick, inexpensive urine test that is used by a lot of companies to ensure a ‘drug free’ workplace (as well [...]

Which Countries are Likely to Legalize Cannabis Next

2019-10-09T02:50:44+00:00Oct, 8, 2019|

Canada recently became the second country in the world to legalize recreational cannabis (the first country was Uruguay). The new cannabis law in the North American country permits the sale and consumption of recreational marijuana. The recent legalization or rather the decriminalization of marijuana was the culmination of a long-running campaign in the country by pro-marijuana activists and some of the country’s leading politicians including Prime Minister Trudeau. Many commentators around the world say that the legalization of marijuana in an important first world country like Canada will likely have a domino effect. That many more countries, particularly in the Western World, will likely follow the North American country’s footsteps and legalize the herb. Marijuana legislation in the US In the US, there are many variations of cannabis laws by state. This is because states are allowed by law to [...]

What are the Medical Benefits of CBD?

2019-10-08T06:23:02+00:00Sep, 30, 2019|

Cannabidiol, aka CBD, is one of the two essential cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. The other one is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). It is these two cannabinoids that are largely responsible for the health benefits associated with cannabis. CBD alone is powerful enough to provide its own medical benefits. The cannabinoid’s benefits are referred to as CBD benefits or cannabis CBD benefits. How CBD Works The human body has two cannabinoid receptors namely the CB1 and CB2 receptors. The CB1 receptors are mostly present in the brain where they help control movement, coordination, emotions, pain, memories, and appetite. CB2 receptors, on the other hand, are mostly present in the immune system. They help control pain and inflammation. It is the interactions between CBD and these two receptors that brings about several cannabis CBD benefits. CBD also interacts with serotonin receptors that [...]


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